The summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation forms part of chapter five in most BS.c and MS.c projects. These are three sections in one chapter though interrelated. Every good research must end with the following sub-headings;
This gives the reader a summarized version of your findings from data collected and analyzed in chapter four. It pin-points key findings and throws in more light on the outcome of the analysis of data. Some supervisor would ask you to itemize the key findings in simple language while others might prefer that they are presented in paragraphs. Yours is to endeavor to capture as many key findings as possible.
This part helps you give a concluding note on the study. Your conclusion should reflect on the outcome from test of hypothesis and decision you took, an opinion from the summary of findings and general note on the subject matter. Ensure that your conclusion answers the research questions from chapter one on the basis of data collected and outcome from decision of result of test of hypotheses.
Having collected data, analyzed same and tested hypothesis, you have examined respondents’ opinion, investigated them and come to a conclusion, now you have to foster recommendations.