Posted: 2022 | Pages: 93 | Format: MS Word | Chapters: 1-5 | Others: Questionnaires & References
ABSTRACT Most modern societies and nations of the world are characterized by rapid urbanization and rapid expansion of infrastructure. This is made possible by combined effort of government and private sector. This study significantly appraised the private sector participation in real estate development vis –a –vis its government counterpart. Data were collected through both primary and secondary sources of data. For this purpose, structured questionnaire was designed and administered to 210 respondents selected from among estate surveyors and valuers, private estate developers as well as staff of Enugu State Housing Development Corporation. The findings include among other things the fact that both the government and private sectors have participated significantly in real estate development in Enugu metropolis. Some factors were found to militate against rapid development of housing in Enugu metropolis, they include: lack of adequate finance, absence of well-articulated and well formulated housing policy, difficulty in acquiring land for development by developers as well as high cost of building materials; very importantly, it was discovered that rapid housing development could be stimulated through well formulated housing policy, more involvement of government, provision of layouts, reduction on tariffs of building materials, and the provision of soft loans for development. Housing is one of the greatest challenges facing Nigeria and many other developing countries of the world. This is a particularly true for our urban towns, cities and federal territory. Since independence in 1960, many government policies and programmes have been directed towards providing shelters and achieving effective housing delivery. All this has been in the hope of improving the quality of life for every Nigerian and hopefully having a positive impact on their productivity. Unfortunately, the result of these efforts are below expectations, probably due to the high demand on government resources. The persistent increase in population, devaluation of Nigeria currency (Naira) through foreign exchange market and hyper inflation which result in high cost of building materials have not helped matters. rural-urban drift which have resulted in over crowding and increased pressure on social amenities, e.t.c. However, the resultant effect are the deterioration of facilities, environmental standards, and general reduction in the welfare of the citizenry. Government efforts towards solving the problem of housing were adversely effected by civil war of 1967 to 1970. The war caused a great disruption in the economy, because of its effects on man, property, and the environment (especially in the eastern region). During this period of 1967-1970 emphasis was shifted from general welfare programmes towards finance. After the war a colossal amount was spent on reconstruction, rehabilitation, and reconciliation programmes. Housing was for the most part a government led capital-intensive project without any form of private sector participation. Government in its determination to put an end to the problems of housing started encouraging the private sector involvement in housing delivery. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Virtually, every society and nation of the world is characterized by rapid urbanization and rapid expansion of the infrastructure as a result of unending developmental efforts and need for improving living condition. This is as a result of astronomic and geometric population explosion especially in the developing nation of the world which requires renewed development efforts to match up with this development. In Nigeria in particular, the rapid political and social changes and requirements following the attainment of independence in 1960 was to usher in rapid and speedy development and expansion of infrastructures resulting in rapid urbanization. This was predicated on the quest and un-ending developmental efforts by the government, private investors and the rural dwellers themselves. In addition to the road network and rural electrification, the government at different levels have attempted to provide other relevant infrastructure such as farm estates and industrial estates to urban and semi urban areas. These developmental efforts have had a far reaching effect on the socio-economic consciousness and development of the nations. At independence in 1960 following the political and social needs and demands, the federal and regional government embarked on rapid development and expansion of infrastructure and a development of real estate to meet the housing requirement the then, eastern region for instance various farm estates such as Nkwelle Ezunaka, Igbariam, Umudike, Ikoro farm estates etc were established by the regional government. This was in addition to other real estate ventures like the real estate situated at Uwani Enugu and the housing estate situated at Abakpa, Ebeano housing estate in Ogui, Coal city garden estate situated off Okpara Avenue, all in Enugu metropolis. Unfortunately, this rapid development and expansion of housing in Nigeria was to suffer a serious setback during the civil war when many houses and infrastructure especially within eastern Nigeria were badly damaged. The military involvement in politics in Nigeria which consumed over thirty out of fifty four years of the country’s post independent politics was another serious impediments to housing development in Nigeria. In Enugu metropolis for instance, no significant progress was registered on the part of government in housing development during military rule. However, housing development was to witness rapid growth upon restoration of civilian rule (democracy) from 1999 to date, resulting of increased involvement of government in housing development. The private sector involvement in the provision of real estate development are tremendous. Whatever is the case, it must be emphasized that housing development However, housing development was to suffer yet another set back as a result of non involvement of government. Following military take over of this period, no significant involvement of government especially within Enugu metropolis was registered in housing development. The situation was such that populace had to depend on themselves and the private sector for the provision of housing. Whatever is the case, it must be emphasized that housing development trend has a varied impact on the socio-cultural, economic growth and development of Enugu metropolis because of its inadequacy. It has other salient values of increasing the social and economic life of the inhabitants of the city. Okonkwo (1990) has for example, expressed that the influence of real estate development on the contemporary growth and expansion of Enugu metropolis is enormous and requires an in-depth attention and appraisal. It is argued that it plays a significant role in balancing the inherent difficulties residents may encounter. The socio-economic importance and relevance of housing is so obvious to attract much controversy from all sector of the economy. According to Ikide (1980) every life in one way or the other has been influenced by the ever expanding infrastructure. The socio- cultural and economic aspects of housing development call for rapid growth and development of housing to match new emerging needs. These collectively call for urgent and comprehensive appraisal of the situation. This was in view of the importance of estate and housing development towards the physical infrastructure and the socio- cultural development to be attained therefore, the government will provide necessary infrastructure for the citizenry.
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