The courses offered in ESUT are over 60 undergraduate and post graduate degree courses that are 100 percent accredited by NUC and other professional bodies and institutions.
Agricultural economics and extension
Agronomy and ecological management
Animal science and fisheries management
Food sciences and technology
Faculty of biological sciences
Applied biochemistry
Applied biology
Applied microbiology
Computer and information sciences
Geology and mining
Industrial chemistry
Industrial mathematics
Industrial physics
Medical laboratory sciences
Nursing sciences
Faculty of clinical medicine
Medicine and surgery
Continuing education and development studies
Agricultural education
Business education
Computer education
Education administration and supervision
Education biology
Education chemistry
Education management
Education mathematics
Education physics
Education technology
Guardian and counselling
Human kinetics and health education
Integrated science education
Library and information science
Technology and vocational education
Agricultural and bioresources engineering
Chemical engineering
Civil engineering
Computer engineering
Electrical and electronics engineering
Metallurgical and material engineering
Mechatronic engineering
Mechanical and production engineering
Estate management
Geography and meteorology
Quantity surveying
Surveying and geo-informatics
Urban and regional planning
Environmental management
Banking and finance
Business administration
Co-operative economics and management
Insurance and risk management
Mass communication
Public administration
English and library studies
Political sciences
Sociology and anthropology
History and international studies