Posted: 2022 | Pages: 56 | Format: MS Word | Chapters: 1-5 | Others: Questionnaires & References
ABSTRACT Water resources are essential in primary health care facility management, the scarcity of water supplied to Amokpo Nike Primary Health Care Center has raised eye brow due to the inadequate supplies which has brought untold hardship to staff and patients of the center. This study aimed at evaluating scarcity of quality water as a facility management challenge in Amokwe Nike Health Care Center and Abakpa Nike Health Center respectively. The objectives include; to identify and get sources of water supply in above mentioned health centers, to identify and get record of the quantity of water supplied in each of the primary health centers, to identify a laboratory where the perimeter for water can be analyzed with in accuracy. To collect samples of water from the health care centers and to propose possible measures for prevention of water scarcity. The survey research design was adopted. The primary and secondary source of data collection was used. Data were presented and analyzed in tables and charts. The study concluded that availability of clean and steady water supply like boreholes, reservoirs etc. should be-made available in Abakpa Nike Primary Health Care Center and Amokpo Nike Primary Health Care Centers so as to supply clean water sufficiently both in raining season and in dry season. The study also recommended that Government should make available a steady source of water supply in Abakpa Nike area, the water supplied should be a treated one, the environment should also be kept clean to prevent germs and sensitization of personal and environmental hygiene should be taken with utmost priority. CHAPTER ONE 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Water resources are essential in primary health care facility management. However, water supply problems abound worldwide and there are issues concerning the quality and adequacy of water supply in primary health care facility management they are rampant safety sanitation and accessibility issues in water supply system (K. Ibe. Lambert, 2013). Water affects Primary Health Care Facility Management because the condition and quality of the water supply is a major factor in sanitation and disease control. According to (E.M. Machethe, 2011) water supply issue are linked to sanitation even though quality water may be accessible to a primary health care, this does not mean that the water is good and suitable for consumption and for medical uses. Because the water supply might contain some microbial substances that are harmful to humans for example quality water mixed with effluence from a mining plant is rendered unsuitable for human consumption and for medical uses. K Dobricic, 2013) Accessibility is another important concern of primary health care facility management when it comes to water supply for consumption and medical uses. In Amokpo Nike health care center and Abakpa Nike health care center that doesn’t have steady sources of water, they have well and tanks connected to the roof of the building that collects rainfall into the tanks which are not steady sources of water supply cause the sources can only supply sufficiently to the health care centers in raining season, while in dry season it does not and leads to water scarcity in the facility management of the primary health care which will now require sourcing water supply from external source that may not be accessible and inaccessibility of water supply increases the risk and spread of diseases (TB Cele, 2012). Water supply from external source in Facility Management of a primary health care center will limit the usage of water in the health care center unlike when it is from internal source and also sufficient (E Hastings, 2012).
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