Posted: 2022 | Pages: 101 | Format: MS Word | Chapters: 1-5 | Others: Questionnaires & References
ABSTRACT Property rating has been identified as a reliable source of revenue to the Local Government, but it is unfortunate that some of the revenue that generated from property rates not used by the local government for providing and maintaining infrastructural amenities to the public. The aim of this study is to evaluate the constraints of property rating administration in Ika South Local Government Area. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the performance of Ike South Local Government Rating Authority, to identify the problems militating against effective and efficient property rating in Ika South Local Government Area, to make recommendations as to better ways of administrating property rating in Ika South Local Government Area and to determine the revenue generation potential of property rating in the area. The method of research adopted in this work is the case study research method, The sources of data for this study comprised both primary sources and secondary sources. The sampling technique adopted for this study is the stratified random sampling technique. Out of 449 questionnaires administered, 425 questionnaires were returned. The study concluded that the current yields from property rates reflect failure in the administration of the tax. As in the case with many Local Governments, valuation lists are out dated and collection efficacy extremely poor. The following recommendations was highlighted; if property rating must be relied on as veritable means of revenue to the local government professional Estate surveyors or land officers should be employed to manage the Estate Department of the council. This will solve the problem of contracting independent Estate firms for purpose of valuation/ Assessment of properties as well as lake care of the rate collection machinery. Federal Government should make loans available to low-income workers through the Federal Mortgage Bank and other credit institutions to enable them build own occupier house, Promotions should be provided to workers of the Local Government which include the revenue collectors and the various Rent control Edicts should be reviewed to reflect the realities of the present-day property market values. CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION All over the world owners and occupier of landed property are required to pay annual charge generally referred to property rate. The reason for the collection of this rate is to enhance the development of the society and the wellbeing of the people. Property rate is regarded as a local tax levied by the rating authority on landed property within the local government area for the provision of services. Revenues collected by the rating authority include motor park fees liquor licenses, TV fees and bicycle fees. Property rating is one of the major source of local government revenue generally, the practice of property rating has its origin in what is known as the poor relief act which was enacted in English in 1601 required all landed property owner or land occupiers to pay annual fee known as property rate for the upkeep of the poor. Nigeria was a former colony of the United Kingdom most of its rating laws and practice were based on the British system (Olusegun 1999). Property rating in the local government has been in practice right from during the days of Bendel State from where Delta State was created in (1991). the relevant laws on assessment derived from Bendel State of Nigeria order No 29 of 1982 (assessment law) on creation of Delta State in 1991, The state adopted the above law for rating as supplement to Bendel State of Nigeria No. 41, vol. 19 on 19th September, 1982 part B (B.5.2….No. 29 of 1982). Constitutionally, the conduct and administration of property rating is the prerogative of local government authority, hence its one of the reliable source of revenue to the local government council. Local governments, at least in principle, deal with grass root politics keeping law and order, basis sanitation constructing and maintaining local roads, supplying water, administrating local schools, providing skill training and employment for resident. The local government administrators, their counter parts at the Federal and State levels, they are mired in pursuit of personal goals at the expenses of broader community interest. Nevertheless, community development is the process or effort of building communities on a local level, the emphasis on building the economy forging and strengthening societies and developing the non profits sector. The researcher is here by carrying out research on how property rating is been administered according to the law in Delta State. (a case study of Ika south Local Government Area.)
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