Posted: 2022 | Pages: 86| Format: MS Word | Chapters: 1-5 | Others: Questionnaires & References
ABSTRACT This study tried to evaluate the strategies for the maintenance and management of Uwani Police barrack Enugu. The study is a composite work on field work, research question and inspection of properties in Uwani Police barracks. Chapter one dealt on the Introduction, statement of problem, aim and objectives, research questions, hypothesis significance of the study, scope, limitation and plan of the study. Chapter two dealt with Literature review, chapter three treated Research methodology which chapter four treated Data presentation and analysis. Finally, the fifth chapter summarized the work, The Findings and proffers recommendations and the then conclusion. Data and material collected for this research study were sourced through primary and secondary sources. They included the use of questionnaires and interviews, related literature, unpublished theses lecture on its, person inspection etc, CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.00 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Nearly every activity perform by man involve maintenance. The word “maintenance” coveys various meaning to various individuals and organization. To an Estate surveyor and valuers, the term “maintenance” connotes the work undertaken in order to keep, restore, improve and sustain the value of every facility. As stated by Akabugu (2007) to deferent individuals the term is understood to mean the system of upgrading and sustaining the value of a property. Therefore, since the existence of Uwain police barracks, the federal government through the policy objectives of 1987 federal government budget have tried to come up with the strategies for the maintenance and management of the barracks, but has so far achieved very little success in the process as observed by Nwosu (1981) the problem of property maintenance does not stop on mapping out department in charge, but extent to which the maintenance are carried out. However, till this point all the efforts made by the government has not being enough to tackle the problems of maintenance and management of uwani police barracks.
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