Posted: 2023 | Pages: 71 | Format: MS Word | Chapters: 1-5 | Others: Questionnaires & References
ABSTRACT Maintenance of properties entails activities undertaken immediately after the completion and during occupation to beautify and prolong the life of the building. In Nigeria, not everybody knows the existing relationship between maintenance and longetivity of completed building. Yet there is ample proof that good maintenance pays for itself. Maintenance culture with public and private sector, could be said to be at its lowest tide. In the past few years, the I do not care attitude observed toward maintenance has changed. Recently the level of maintenance is now noticeable due to improved culture and experience in the level of maintenance activities in Nigeria. Government, the owners and managers of our roads and some properties have made some to be in accessible, not comfortable and disuse as a result of lack of maintenance. A visit to certain special service properties will reveal dilapidated structure of various defects. This explains why, mostly in our public buildings one finds some facilities, like toilets facilities and kitchen sink in total disuse, blockage of waste water link et. It is the above identified problems in this study area that led to this research, to look into the possibilities of achieving efficient maintenance and management of public properties in Nigeria with reference to Army barrack Abakpa Nike Enugu. However, four research questions were developed to seek answers to the research objectives. The study adopted survey research approach in collecting data for the study of the occupant (Tenant) of the barracks, staff of the maintenance unit 82 division Nigerian Amy and Registered Estate surveyors and Valuer in Enugu urban formed the population of the study. Sample size of 210 was chosen using stratified random sampling techniques to which questionnaires were distributed to collect data. The data retrieved from 190 respondent representing 90.4% of the samples were presented in tables and pie-charts while the analysis were done using simple percentages. After the analysis of data the following findings were made the researcher find out that there are some problem that is affecting the management of facilities and amenities in the barrack this include. The management and maintenance strategy adopted by the maintenance unit is re-active style due to some policies of the organization. The maintenance unit does not have competent and qualified person like the Estate surveyors and valuers to handle repair/maintenance problem. Lack of fund etc. The following recommendations were made based on the findings. The management team should adopt pro-active style in managing the properties. The use of qualified and skill personal in the management of the properties. Funds should be made available as and when due by management to take care of repair-labilities. CHAPTER ONE 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Maintenance culture within public and private section could be said to be at its lowest tide. In the past few years, the I do not care altitude observed toward maintenance has changed. Recently the level of maintenance is no noticeable due to improved culture and experience in the level of maintenance activities in Nigeria. It is not only difficult but very expensive to procure new property. Therefore, individual, government, organization co-operate body etc are compelled to maintain whatever they have. One of the policy objectives of the military government in Nigeria was the encouragement and substance of notional maintenance culture. During the time president Babangida, he did not cease to lay emphasis on maintenance of current assets he further emphasized on the advantage of maintaining existing property over acquisition of new one. Maintenance is viewed as a phenomenon that should not be applied only to landed properties but the other goods and chattel. One of policy objective of the Obasanjo regime was the encouragement and sustenance of maintenance culture and provision of residential property to attain efficient and economic maintenance certain level of planning and organization is needed. The first requirement in setting up a good machinery for maintenance is policy planning. The policy planning may vary from one property to another and equally may be influenced by the existing condition of the area.
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