This article is particularly on “Journal of Biomedical Research and Environmental Sciences”.
Generally, journals are academic papers written by scholars (professors, senior lecturers, professionals and researchers) in academia after a thorough investigation, research and testing of a particular subject based on an existing problem that requires intellectual solutions. The authors of journal articles are referred to as experts in their specific disciplines where the particular research is carried out. These experts are scholarly, radical, passionate and participate in the area of discipline the journal is focused on. Journal papers are pages of articles with in-depth information data and results on a problem being studied. It is referred to as a study unlike the normal project, theses and dissertations that take several pages to conclude.
Most journals do not exceed 25 pages. They usually go through intensive checks, tests and reviews before being accepted as a worthy paper for publication on the internet. It is a requisite for obtaining a PhD Degree or attaining a certain academic position or status in higher institutions.
There are various types of academic Journals and each has its standards, policies and regulations before articles are accepted for publication on their platforms.
In this article, we are focusing on the Journal of Biomedical Research and Environmental Sciences also known as JBRES.
JBRES is an open-access journal that provides free online access to authors interested in publishing well-researched articles. The Journal is concerned about quality and excellent papers which focuses on the Scientific Community with relevant information and data for readers or audience. It is particularly focused on authentic works on medical and clinical subjects purely academic.
Their Bibliographic details include: ISSN: 2766-2276 (online), DOI: 10.37871/jbres.
The topics discussed cut across anatomy, anxiety, brain and blood disorders, clinical cardiology, diabetes and other related medical subjects including HIV/AIDs, Hypertension among others.
All articles published by jbres are indexed by the following institutions:
Google Scholar, Crossref, Semantic Scholar, Publons, Grow Kudos, search IT, Havard Library HOLLIS, Research Gate, base search and academic Microsoft. This means that only quality papers are indexed and published by the above groups.
It is open for easy access to the public
It only publishes quality papers
The peer review progress is handled by experts in the medical fields
It is cost-effective
Copywrite remains the authors
Charges for membership are not expensive
The system is transparent
The system enables large visibility and authority
It has global and local trust.
They do not charge for the maintenance of articles
They offer publication certificates
They offer discounts and professional support for deserving publications
Published papers are easily discovered by readers
JBRES Journal adopted a special review process known as double-blinded peer review. This enables volunteer reviews across the world to access submitted papers and reviews to ascertain the originality, authority, rate of plagiarism and accuracy of the papers, after which feedbacks are sent to the editorial team for scoring and remarks.
While independent reviewers are allowed access to submitted papers the following are put into consideration:
The reviewers must be experts in any discipline they are to review
The papers cannot be edited or tampered with by the reviewers
The reviewers are only allowed to give genuine feedback and not to make personal accusations whatsoever.
Reviewers are charged with protecting the confidentiality of the papers. Details of the paper must not be released to any third party
The reviewers are not given the authors’ information or personal contacts. No bias is allowed
Religion, race, ethnicity, language gender etc. will not influence the reviewers’ feedback or comments. It is strictly professional.
The various subjects covered by jbres
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