Posted: 2022 | Pages: 78 | Format: MS Word | Chapters: 1-5 | Others: Questionnaires & References
ABSTRACT Housing as it is universally known and accepted is the second most important need of man after food. In all its ramifications, it is more than mere shelter as it encompasses all the social services and utilities that make living worthwhile. The basic goal of national housing policy is to provide affordable housing to accommodate all Nigerian households in a livable environment. To achieve this goal and to complement the effort of private developers, various housing corporation were established with the aim of providing housing to Nigeria ever growing population. The study therefore is prompted by the acute shortage of housing accommodation on Enugu State despite the establishment of the state housing corporation in 1962. This research is aimed at examining the basic concept of housing and to also examine the government past polices on housing. The research methodology used is research design, the population size, determination of the sample size using the sampling technique, sources of data are the primary and secondary data, method of data collection involved personal interview and distribution of questionnaires and data analysis. The data analyzed were based on the questionnaires collected from the respondents and also with the aid of secondary data. Recommendation had been made on the need for strategies and measures to be adopted in order to make the provision of housing realistic, affordable and commendable. CHAPTER ONE Rapid growth in urbanization of a characteristic of the developing countries, and has been particularly so since the 1950. This has found expression in the high annual growth rates attained by agglomerated settlements in the developing countries. Nigeria has not been an exception to this general trend. While an average annual growth rate of five percent may be postulated for Nigerian towns, there are wide divergences. In other words, the rapid expansion of urban population has brought the basic infrastructures such as electricity, inter-urban and intra-urban transportation and communication services and the problem of providing medical, electrical and recreational facilities. Perhaps, the most outstanding of all the problems is that of providing adequate housing facilities for the population. Housing according to Solomon P. Arthur (1973), encompasses for more than living space and shelter. The nature and value are determined by the services it offers. In addition to shelter, housing equally offers services such as neighbourhood amenities, access to education and health facilities, privacy, security, protection against harsh weather, investment and personal identity. Next to food, housing is one of the basic needs of man and also the largest component of the household budget, making up about 10-30% of the total expenditure, depending on the individual level of income. Housing is durably good unlike most consumer goods in several important respects. In developing countries, housing construction requires close coordination with transportation network, water supply, communication and other community services. It also includes the procedure for the preparation of the necessary documents and the required registration to prone ownership. This research work was motivated by obvious shortage of housing accommodation in Enugu State inspite of various housing policies and establishment of various housing development corporations.
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