Posted: 2022 | Pages: 110 | Format: MS Word | Chapters: 1-5 | Others: Questionnaires & References
CHAPTER ONE Basically, in virtually all the towns and city centers within the Nigerian building and infrastructural facilities are gradually and systemically decaying, dilapidating and deteriorating with reduced or no degree of maintenance programme and activity from a normal visual perception in the urban metropolis. The lack of maintenance of these buildings and infrastructures negatively affects the populace which thus affects the output of the working class, capacity of the populace is thus lost, time value for achievement of goals and objectives minimized. The remote lack of maintenance such as force major, cultural problems, state of the economy, the receding global economic meltdown, lack of time and general illiteracy of the occupants of the building or structure and users of the facilities also contributes in the deterioration of the buildings in Nigeria and millennium housing estate Ebonyi in particular. Over the years, there has been increasing abandonment of building projects and infrastructural facilities which has led to the dilapidation, degradation and deterioration of these building structures within the Nigerian contemporary urban metropolis and millennium housing estate. Due to the problem of finance, government financing as regards to maintenance of building (both Public and Private) is minimal. The grant towards maintenance of infrastructural facilities is on its lowest ebb. Most buildings and infrastructures in millennium housing estate have been neglected by subsequent tenures or government, while the private sectors, the individual property owners have little or nothing to contribute towards effective maintenance of their buildings, so long as the buildings affords the owner annual income. As a result of this, it has made the revenue generated from public properties to be at a decreased level. Because most of the occupants were packing out of millennium estate and moving in to a better apartments in the city. The maintenance of public residential properties is a challenging task for an estate surveyor and valuer. The maintenance of public real estate assets particularly poses unique form of problems ranging from over inflation of invoices, corruption, nepotism in awarding of contract work to contractors not knowledgeable about the job to be carried out. This array of issues and others calls for monetization policy of the Federal Government, where all government properties are transferred to the private entities few years ago. The few exempted properties from this government policies includes: residences occupied by judiciary, Federal Government secretariat, schools, staff quarters of institutions of learning in Nigeria. The in-house professional Estate Surveyors are saddled with the representatives managing such properties. However, despite the monitoring organizations put in place to check corruptions or waste in public services, these problems bedeviling government real estate property management still persist. It is against this backdrop that this research work aims at unraveling this multitude of problems and proffer solutions to the public residential estates in the country and millennium estate in Ebonyi State. All three spheres of government, together with the state owned enterprise (SOES) manage major portfolios of immovable infrastructural assets. While there is much emphasis on delivery of infrastructure delivery does not impact end with the commissioning of the infrastructural assets, once the infrastructure has been commissioned, various activities must be carried out which are necessary to ensure that it continues to perform such as the allocation of necessary budgets and the retention of appropriate staff to maintain the operation of the asset. Delivery needs to be universally understood as embracing not just constructing the infrastructure, but the appropriate operation and maintenance thereafter for the whole problems associated with the maintenance of buildings and infrastructural facilities on the economy.
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